Why “students x students”?

students x students
students x students
3 min readDec 23, 2020


Source: Alexis Brown, Unsplash

We are normal people. And just like many normal people, we were not big fans of writing. We wrote our essays in class just to fit the rubric given to us and never went beyond thinking of writing as a way to get an A in a class.

Then we discovered Medium.

A place where we saw what depth is in writing. A place where we noticed firsthand the impact of writing and its significant influence.

We began to write our own articles.

Some of us wrote informal personal articles, and others wrote informational articles. They were all impactful not just to the people who read them, but to the writers as well. We began to enjoy writing.

We began to understand that writing is more than just conforming to a set of grammar rules. Writing is fun. Writing is a way to delve into our innermost thoughts and surprise ourselves with new nuanced ways to think about topics we never knew we cared abut. Writing helped open up paths for introspection, paths for exploring interests, and paths to impact the people around us. While we didn’t become famous on Medium … yet :), we knew that our writing had the potential to do something great, at whatever scale it was received.

Then came the big question. How do we spread our work effectively to others, after we put so much work into our writing? We turned to publications across Medium as an answer, but noticed a couple issues.

  1. These publications are built for adults. The ones reading our work were not the people we directly worked with on a day-to-day basis and thus we received little to no attention on them when publishing.
  2. These publications create endless streams of content. Articles are constantly churned out each second of each day on many popular publications. Thus, many are not able to read our work, provide comments, and learn from it.

We wanted to influence the people who we would grow up with, and the same old publications did not work for us.

So we decided to start our own.

With the concept “for students by students,” our goal is to provide students the ability to feel more excited about writing as a way to express themselves, rather than just getting a good grade.

Writing should be about encapsulating yourself in a piece of literature, not following an archaic rubric to receive a letter grade.

Writing should be about learning more about yourself.

Writing should be about influencing your peers and other students like you across the world to think differently and take their own lives by charge.

Your writing should be uniquely your own.

And we are here to help you do just that.

Looking forward to writing alongside you,

The students behind sxtudents

Contact Us

Email: sxtudents@gmail.com
Twitter: @sxtudents
Instagram: @sxtudents

Learn more about becoming a writer for sxs here. Apply here.

